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Knowing and loving God cannot be separated from knowing and loving one-another! God has designed us to be his family; living in relationship with him and each other. Life and our church experience are simply incomplete without a sense of community and family.

All who come to New Life should have opportunity to form Christ-centered relationships without having to search far and wide for them. This happens on Sunday Morning in Section Communities as we worship together during services. And regardless of what section you sit in you'll have the chance to go deeper in relationships and study the Scripture throughout the week in small groups.

Whether you're looking to help lead or simply hoping to connect with others, you'll find all the info you need to get started right here. If you have any questions please give us a shout. We'd love to meet you and help you get plugged in.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God"
I John 4:7 NIV

Your Place in the Family

We're a big family meeting in a big room. Section Community is an opportunity to find your place in the family by getting to know others sitting in your section. Learn names, share stories and enjoy a meal together each month in your Section Party.

Come early. Stay Late. Let's go to church... together!

Go Deeper, Grow Stronger

Groups form relationally through Section Communities and demographically through New Life Church ministries. Find support, study the Bible or simply share a meal with one another.

Discover the joy of doing life with one another by finding a Group that fits best for you.

Upcoming Events

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Ileana Arnold

SERVE: Lead Coordinator

Christine King

Pastor : Section Community