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801 N Circle Dr

Sunday 9 & 11AM

Nueva Vida is a Spanish-Speaking Congregation of New Life Church. We meet on Sunday Mornings and have a bi-lingual service at 9am and a Spanish-Speaking service at 11am.

Our vibrant and diverse congregation, with over twenty-five nationalities represented, meets in the center of our city. Whether or not you speak Spanish as a first language, we'd love to have you worship with us. You run the risk of leaving full of joy if/when you visit us!

Spanish to English Translation devices are available at our services.

Lead Pastor

Jeremías Tamarez

Jeremías, originally from the Dominican Republic, is the lead pastor of Iglesia Nueva Vida which he pastors alongside his wife, Ana. He has been happily married to Ana for almost twenty years and is a wonderful dad to his daughters: Camila, Leah, Miah, Hannah and their niece Sarah. Jeremías has also been a respected singer-songwriter and worship pastor for over 25 years in both the U.S. and Latin-America. Together they share a passion serving the community and building a church that is rooted in worship and biblical truths.