Child Dedications
At New Life Church, we believe child dedications are for the public declaration of parents to raise their child to know and understand God and a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. It is a commitment to pray, love, teach and direct their child in the truth of Scripture while discipling him/her into a relationship with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Child dedications can occur at any time in a child’s life (not just as infants) because it is the vow of the parent as opposed to the decision of the child.
Parent Orientation
Parent Orientation is an opportunity to engage with our families, by highlighting the way we provide ministry to New Life KIDs, New Life Junior High, Desperation Student Ministries, and Young Adults. At Parent Orientation we will communicate our vision for these ministries, the curriculum we're using, and ways for you to get involved.
We ask that 100% of our parents attend a Parent Orientation as a part of our Family Ministry.
Check back soon for upcoming dates!
Spiritual Parenting
Spiritual Parenting empowers parents to be the primary spiritual leaders of their family through an interactive class written by our Family Pastor, Dr. Michelle Anthony. Enjoy a mixture of live teaching and interaction with Michelle as well as learning from her book and DVD series. God will use this time to shape your family with a vibrant faith towards Him and others.
We ask that 100% of our parents attend Spiritual Parenting as a part of our Family Ministry.
Check back soon for upcoming dates!
Family Night
Family Nights are designed to engage intergenerational fun and spiritual growth. Join us for dinner, worship & activities to create a personalized and memorable night with your family!
Check back soon for upcoming dates!
Homefront Magazine
HomeFront is a monthly spiritual parenting resource and parenting curriculum combined into one – based on the 10 Environments highlighted in the book "Spiritual Parenting" by Dr. Michelle Anthony. It allows families to create spiritual space or environments in their homes, in which God’s Spirit can move freely. HomeFront magazine is filled with recipes, craft ideas, stories, and more to inspire, equip, and support families on their parenting journey. Please pick up your complimentary HomeFront magazine each month in our Family Ministries hallway.